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Zombies in Monster High

330px-Zombies NightoftheLivingDead

Zombies is the name for animated corpses. Zombies are dead humans or undead monsters who are brought back to life through means of vodoun or Voodoo and witchcraft like a priestess of voodoo magic in ancient times sometimes a witch doctor during the ritual in order to do their bidding like in the old movie in black and white, Night of the Living Dead. They are trapped in the same body forever.

Monster High[]

Generation 1[]

Zombies are slouching slow-moving undead that tend to gather in hoards and block the school hallways in their numbers. They are a tongue-in-cheek generation gap depiction of youth through the lens of older generations. They speak "zombie", a way of speech which does not make use of the lips and tongue and thus consists of groans and moans. This is understood by most other monsters, and for whom do not, zombies carry translators. Neighthan Rot, a half-zombie, uses full articulation in speech. Unlike Neighthan, zombies do not show visual signs of decay - their unlifeliness is depicted through their pale skin and numbed faces.

Zombies are treated with little respect as they lack the ability to respond quickly and are, though highest in number in monster species at Monster High, supposed to emanate a social minority. They are shoved around and forced to serve anyone who does so, such as serving under vampires, a role werewolves have protested and successfully freed themselves of. Despite this, zombies are fully capable to advocate for themselves. [Source]

Generation 2[]

The zombies led by Moanica D'Kay, referred to as the Zomboys, are similarly seemingly 'simple' minded and enjoy Moanica's lead. Moanica is the only (supposed) zombie who walks and talks differently from regular zombies.

Generation 3[]

Description []

Generation 1[]

Zombies are mostly human in appearance, as they are animated human corpses. They tend to have blue, grey, or green skin. Many of them tend to slouch, and they have their arms slightly raised but hands down. In Neighthan Rot's case even a bit of his muscle under the skin is viable around his mouth. They also have bags under their eyes, their eyes also some times cross or look unfocused.

In later volumes, they are shown with more ripped-up clothing. They also have spots on their bodies to look more rotten.

Generation 2[]

Generation 3[]


Generation 1[]

  • Infectious Bite: It is mentioned in generation 1 and 2 that zombies can turn humans into zombies if they were to bite them.
  • Immortality: Zombies like most undeads are immortal.
  • Temperature: It's mentioned in the anime that zombies are incapable of feeling tempature.

Generation 3[]

  • Lightning-fast fingers: Ghoulia has lightning-fast fingers.
  • Pain Suppression: Zombies can't get hurt.
  • Immortality: Zombies, like most undeads, are immortal.
  • Head turn backwards: Ghoulia can turn her head backwards.
  • Temperature: Zombies are incapable of feeling any temperature.


Generation 1[]

  • Slow Moving: Zombies are very slow moving meaning that a lot of the time Monster High for example has a zombie underground like railroad so zombies won't be late to class. And their not usually athletic because of their lack of speed.
  • Weak Will: Zombies have very weak wills making them easy to manipulate, as vampires for example have easily made zombies work for them.

Known Zombies[]

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3

