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"Rumor Run Wild" is the twentieth episode of the Volume 1 of Monster High. It is the twentieth episode of the webseries overall. It premiered on November 24, 2010.


Volume 1, Episode 20: Cleo mistakenly overhears that Clawdeen is after the Monster High Scream Queen crown. Of course, she's royally ticked off! Can you say scary sabotage?


Clawdeen and Lagoona walk down the hall, talking about Clawdeen's upcoming track meet. She explains that she almost couldn't make it because her little brother bit her leg, but she is determined to run and win. As Clawdeen says this, the two pass by Cleo and Ghoulia at their lockers. Cleo partially overhears Clawdeen, catching the part about running and winning, which Clawdeen happened to utter while in front of a poster announcing the Scream Queen election. Cleo assumes this means Clawdeen is competing in the Scream Queen election, which annoys her since she thought she was running unopposed.

To ensure her victory, Cleo decides to spread a rumor about Clawdeen and writes a text stating: "Clawdeen, out standing in a field, got a major case of carnivorous fleas and is out of the running. Save your vote. Don't tell anyone." In order to cover her tracks as the rumor's source, she sends it to Draculaura, a notorious "gossip ghoul" who is sure to spread it around. True to form, Draculaura forwards the message to Frankie, reasoning that she's "not just anyone", but makes a typo in the process. Frankie receives the text, but is confused that it says, "Send to anyone." She bumps into a student and gets splashed with water, fritzing out the phone. She hits "Send to all".

Later at the Scream Queen election, Mr. Where prepares to announce the winner, starting off that she owes her victory to "the best viral text campaign in Monster High history". Cleo prepares to claim her prize, but instead of she, Where announces that Clawdeen has won. Cleo is outraged and wonders aloud how this could have happened. Deuce tells her that everyone voted for Clawdeen because of her campaign, which he reads to Cleo: "How to choose? Clawdeen! Outstanding in her field. Will have a school carnival. Free if you vote." Clawdeen rushes up in disbelief, stopping only to tell Cleo what a surprise this is because she wasn't even running. As Ghoulia watches on amused, Cleo loses herself to frustration.


  1. Clawdeen Wolf
  2. Lagoona Blue
  3. Otto Maton
  4. Cleo de Nile
  5. Ghoulia Yelps
  6. Iris Clops
  7. Draculaura
  8. Frankie Stein
  9. Scarah Screams
  10. Heath Burns
  11. Mr. Where
  12. Sloman Mortavitch
  13. Deuce Gorgon


  • The girl on the Scream Queen poster is Iris Clops. She may have been the previous year's Scream Queen.
  • The Scream Queen election plays a major role in the 2011 video game Ghoul Spirit, in which the girl wins that the player supports best.


  • Clawdeen mentions being on the track team. The next webisode, "Fur Will Fly", suggests otherwise. It is possible that the events of that webisode let up to her joining the track team, in which case "Fur Will Fly" continuity-wise would occur before "Rumor Run Wild".
  • Clawdeen mentions that she has a little brother. His identity has yet to be revealed.
  • This is the first time Draculaura's love for gossip comes up. It is in line with her love for creative writing mentioned in her profile, but that doesn't explicitly mention her love for gossip. Later volumes will elaborate more on this part of Draculaura.
  • The Scream Queen election was brought up back in "Photo Finish". Cleo complimented Draculaura with her looks and said she could become Scream Queen. Evidently, while the compliment was appreciated, Draculaura has no interest in the competition.
  • In this webisode the theme song is different along with the next six webisodes.


  • Why did Cleo believe she was the elected Scream Queen when she knew the winner won because of a well-orchestrated viral campaign? The only way that could apply to her is if people knew she had been the one to start the rumor about Clawdeen, something that would likely have disqualified her.
1st Generation Webseries
Volume 1
  1. Jaundice Brothers
  2. Talon Show
  3. Fear Squad
  4. Substitute Creature
  5. Party Planners
  6. Blue Lagoona
  7. Copy Canine
  8. The Hot Boy
  9. Bad Scare Day
  10. Photo Finish
  11. Cyrano de Ghoulia
  12. Bad Zituation
  13. Clawditions
  14. Freedom Fight
  15. Totally Busted
  16. Freakout Friday
  17. Mad Science Fair
  18. Shock and Awesome
  19. The Good, the Bat and the Fabulous
  20. Rumor Run Wild
  21. Fur Will Fly
  22. Horrorscope
  23. Idol Threat
  24. Hatch Me If You Can
  25. Date of the Dead
  26. A Scare of a Dare
  27. Parent-Creature Conference
Volume 2
  1. Scream Building
  2. Why We Fright
  3. Fear-A-Mid Power
  4. Beast Friends
  5. Varsity Boos
  6. Gloomsday
  7. Falling Spirits
  8. Fatal Error
  9. Screech to the Beach
  10. Witch Trials
  11. Don't Cheer the Reaper
  12. Road to Monster Mashionals
  13. Queen of the Scammed
  14. Frightday the 13th
  15. HooDoo You Like?
  16. Fear Pressure
  17. Fear the Book
  18. Desperate Hours
  19. Miss Infearmation
  20. Hyde and Shriek
  21. Daydream of the Dead
  22. Nefera Again
  23. Back-to-Ghoul
  24. Abominable Impression
  25. Frost Friends
  26. Hyde Your Heart
  27. Ghostly Gossip
  28. Hiss-teria
  29. Phantom of the Opry
  30. The Bermuda Love Triangle
  31. Here Comes Treble
  32. Dueling Personality
  33. Neferamore
  34. Rising From the Dead
  35. Monster Mashionals Part 1
  36. Monster Mashionals Part 2
Volume 3
  1. Dodgeskull
  2. Game of DeNile
  3. Uncommon Cold
  4. Ghosts with Dirty Faces
  5. Hickmayleeun
  6. No Place Like Nome
  7. Sibling Rivalry
  8. The Nine Lives of Toralei
  9. Unlife to Live
  10. Abyss Adventure
  11. Unearthed Day
  12. Creepfast Club
  13. Home Ick
  14. Hoodoo That Voodoo That You Do
  15. I Know What You Did Last Fright
  16. Honey, I Shrunk the Ghouls
  17. HooDude VooDoo
  18. Undo the Voodoo
  19. Night of a Thousand Dots
  20. Best Ghoulfriend
  21. Aba-Kiss Me Deadly
  22. Bean Scare, Done That
  23. A Perfect Match
  24. Hiss-toria
  25. The Need for Speed
  26. The Halls Have Eyes
  27. Mauled
  28. Scare-born Infection
  29. Boo Year's Eve
  30. Franken-Styled
  31. Defending Your Lagoona
  32. Freaky Fridate
  33. The Ghoulest Season
  34. Fright Dance
  35. Scare-itage
  36. Tough As Scales
  37. Tree of Unlife
  38. No Ghouls Allowed
  39. I Scream, You Scream
  40. Frankie's Joltin' Juice
  41. Tortoise and The Scare
  42. Fierce Crush
  43. Invasion of the Ghoul Snatchers
  44. Flowers for Slow Moe
  45. Ready, Wheeling and Able
  46. Creature of the Year
  47. Party Undead
  48. Student Disembodied President
  49. Clawbacks
  50. Field of Screams
  51. Angry Ghouls
  52. The Stich-uation
  53. Scarah-Voyant
  54. Inscare-itance
  55. Playing the Boos
Volume 4
  1. Eye of the Boo-holder
  2. Who's the Boo Girl?
  3. Boo Ghoul at School
  4. Bat Dialing Disaster
  5. Scream Spirit
  6. Scareful what you Wish for
  7. Boogey Mansion
  8. Monsters of Music
  9. Tales from the Script
  10. Boolittle Too Late
  11. Jungle Boo-gie
  12. Just Ghost to Show Ya
  13. Master of Hiss-guise
  14. Zombie Shake
  15. Just One of the Ghouls
  16. In Plain Fright
  17. Join the Scream
  18. The Coin Calamity
  19. We are Monster High
  20. Creepateria
  21. I Only Have Eye for You
  22. So You Think You Can Date
  23. Inner Monster 1.0
  24. Inner Monster 2.0
  25. Graveball Grates
  26. Happy Howlidays
  27. Boys Fright Out
  28. Creature Cribs
  29. Draculocker
  30. Stage Frightened
Volume 5
  1. Casta Vote
  2. I Casta Spell On You
  3. Sayonara Draculaura
  4. Lochness Lorna
  5. Meet You In Monster Picchu
  6. Looks Gil-ty
  7. The Agony of D'Feet
  8. Gloom and Bloom, Part 1
  9. Gloom and Bloom, Part 2
  10. Bad Tomb-mates
Volume 6
  1. Freak Du Chic Act 1
  2. Freak Du Chic Act 2
  3. Freak Du Chic Act 3
  4. From Fear to There Part 1
  5. From Fear to There Part 2
  6. Decomposition Class