Monster High Wiki

Ramses de Nile debuted in the books in The Ghoul Next Door of the Monster High book series, which premiered on April 05, 2011.


Monster High[]

Despite the September Semi fiasco of yesterday that forced all the RADs to precautionarily keep their children inside, Cleo was able to dodge the bullet because her father was out of town. He is due to return that night, though, and Cleo and her servants, Hasina and Beb, are working hard to prepare a suitable welcome. Ramses de Nile and his assistant Manu arrive a little earlier than planned, but most of the preparations are already done. Cleo greets her father and is surprised when he greets her back with a warmth that is unusual for him. Despite being out of town, Ramses knows everything that happened yesterday, except for the involvement of RADs other than Frankie Stein. His concern for his daughter's safety is what brought on his unusual demeanor. Cleo becomes secretly annoyed that her father somehow always manages to know what's happening, even when he's not there. She accompanies him to the throne room, and Ramses talks about the excavation work in his sister's, Nefertiti's, tomb and the impressive jewels found there. Manu opens the briefcase to show Cleo the finds, but to Ramses' annoyance, Cleo is only interested in one item: a Vogue business card from Anna Wintour. Cleo insists he tells the story behind obtaining it, and Ramses confides he met the normie on the plane from Cairo and that she was looking to do a "Cairo Couture" fashion shoot in the Oregon sand dunes, featuring Nerfertiti's jewels. Ramses makes no secret of his disinterest, but Cleo is ecstatic. She insists he contacts Anna Wintour to be a model for the shoot and wear her aunt's jewelry, promising in return that she'll supervise the shoot to make sure their interests won't be damaged. Ramses eventually gives in and is profusely thanked for it. Next, Cleo tries to text her friends to meet with them and speak about the shoot. [Source]


In the wake of Headmistress Bloodgood's disappearance that may be an abduction by humans, Ramses de Nile and Tab Bee jointly demand extra security from Salem police force around Monster High. In particular, they want an extra eye to be kept on high-profile students, foremost of which their own charges: Cleo and Toralei. Scarrif Fred Onarrival dismisses their concerns, but Sylphia Flapper backs the two men up and convinces them to make Cleo and Toralei apply the buddy system to lessen the odds of them getting abducted. [Source] Rather than keeping the girls save, the buddy system ensures they get abducted together. And this was always the intent not just of Sylphia, but also of Ramses and Tab. [Source]


I Only Have Eye for You[]

Ramses gets a call from Valentine, though he thinks it is Deuce, and is very upset by whatever was said before he slams the phone. Cleo visits her father asking in an austerity manner for a raise on her allowance. Ramses is willing, wanting his daughter not to appear "common", until Nefera informs him that Cleo wants money to go on a date with Deuce. Ramses reminds Cleo that he has never approved Deuce, who he considers too common for his daughter. Cleo defends her boyfriend and states that she'd be with him without her father's consent. Ramses declares he'll never approve of the choice and cuts Cleo's allowance entirely. As Cleo is storming out of the room, declaring that Deuce will make her happy regardless, Ramses tells her to improve Deuce's phone manners, much to her disbelief. [Table for None]
