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Operetta debuted in the cartoon series in the Volume 2 webisode "Hiss-teria", which premiered on September 29, 2011. She is voiced by Cindy Robinson in the English version of the cartoon, in some cases under the name Gigi Sarroino.
Volume 2[]
Draculaura mentions that she saw Deuce coming out of the catacombs beneath the school and saw Operetta coming out right after.
Cleo suspects that Operetta and Deuce are in a secret relationship, but Frankie doesn’t think Deuce would do that. Clawdeen suggests Cleo should find proof before accusing him of cheating on her, so she contacts Spectra to find out what he was hiding in his locker. She looks and tells the ghouls that she sees a bouquet of flowers addressed to “My pet”.
Outraged, Cleo goes to the Creep-ateria to confront Operetta. But Operetta denies Cleo’s accusations and insists that she doesn’t know anyone named Deuce. Cleo refuses to believe it and insults Operetta’s musical tastes. Operetta responds by scaring Cleo with a mirror and her pet spider. Which makes her fall back into someone’s lunch tray, spilling food all over herself.
After cleaning herself off, Cleo decides to follow Operetta down to the catacombs to catch the two of them together. When the ghouls go into the catacombs, they find Deuce standing in front of a dragon statue. The other ghouls hide while Cleo surprises him. When confronted with Cleo’s suspicions, Deuce tells her the reason for his odd behavior.
The dragon statue was his pet dragon named Smokey. When Deuce was just a boy, Smokey knocked off his glasses while playing with him, and Deuce accidentally turned him to stone. Deuce didn’t have control of his powers at that young age, so instead of lasting for just a day, the effect is supposed to wear off on the anniversary of when it happened. But Deuce doesn’t know which anniversary, so he visits Smokey in the catacombs every anniversary hoping to find his pet back to normal again.
Frankie, Lagoona, Draculaura, and Clawdeen are brought to tears by Deuce’s story.
The rubber ball was Smokey’s toy, and when Cleo asks about the flowers, Deuce explains that the flowers were snapdragons, Smokey’s favorite treat. He apologizes for the way he’s been acting, and Cleo accepts the apology. Frankie suggests that she apologize to Operetta, but Cleo refuses, saying that she doesn’t trust her.
Unbeknownst to her, Operetta has been listening the whole time. [1]
Immediately after the events of Hiss-teria, Operetta angrily rows her way to her secret "hideout" in the catacombs. After arriving, she sulks while playing the organ because Cleo hurt her feelings. She plots to steal Deuce from Cleo out of spite.
Meanwhile, Frankie meets Holt outside the school. Frankie is initially put off by his attitude, but Holt quickly apologizes for being too forward when they first met. They start to talk and begin to find common ground. Then when Holt starts to flirt with Frankie, it cheers her up after feeling down about Jackson.
Operetta puts her plan into action by complimenting Deuce on his music and sharing a few laughs together. Deuce finds out how much they have in common, but is put off when Operetta finally asks him out. When she questions his and Cleo's relationship, he says that Cleo sort of completes him, and that they were very serious. Operetta is genuinely touched, moreover moved to tears, by his story and abandons her attempt to steal him. She then agrees to help him write a song for Cleo to show her just how much she means to him. However, Spectra snaps a picture of the two together and sends it to Cleo, complicating the situation even further. [2]
After consulting Teen Scream, she gets the advice to ask her friends, which turns disastrous. Lagoona Blue breaks out in tears over Gil; Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura completely ignore her while favoring a conversation about when Clawd Wolf can go out with Draculaura, and Cleo de Nile is too preoccupied spying on Deuce Gorgon and Operetta, in which she finds "evidence" that Deuce Gorgon was legitimately cheating on her. [3]
Cleo de Nile is trying to find Deuce Gorgon so she can break up with him. After the dialogue between Cleo de Nile and Deuce Gorgon, the relationship between them was almost over, when Operetta and Memphis "Daddy O" Longlegs save the relationship by stopping Cleo so she can hear the song Deuce made for her. When Cleo finally understood what was going on, she was touched by Deuce's song and apologizes to him and Operetta. [4]
When Nefera says that the B-team can't practice on school grounds, Operetta lets them preform in the catacombs in her theatre. After long and arduous training sessions under guidance of Scary Murphy and with musical backup from Operetta, they are ready for Monster Mashionals. [5]
While the ghouls are performing, Nefera attempts her idols and charms, to which all are blocked by the ghoul's friends. The first sends a magic spell at the ghouls, but Abbey freezes it in mid-air. The second turns out the stage lights, only for Heath to provide light with his flames long enough for Ghoulia to turn the lights back on. The third summons a royal guard who throws a disk at the Fearleaders, but Clawd catches it before it reaches them. The fourth summons a shadow-like monster that flies toward the stage, but Operetta shatters the idol with her voice, causing the monster to vanish.
Nefera is soon reduced to her very last one, which summons a large Scargoyle behind the ghouls. However, Toralei and the Werecat Twins show up and scare it off when they bare their fangs. Toralei (speaking for herself and the twins) admits that as much as they want to win, they'd rather not do it through cheating. The ghouls finish their performance without any more interruptions and ultimately win Monster Mashionals.
Nefera shows her true colors when she snatches the trophy from the ghouls' hands and starts claiming how since she's the coach, she technically won. But Ghoulia shows Scary Murphy a video of Nefera deploying her idols, to which Scary Murphy not only disqualifies Nefera for cheating, but also has her stripped of all her previous fearleading awards. As the ghouls are lifted up by their friends, Cleo and Toralei (and her werecats) flash a friendly smile at each other. [6]
Special webisodes[]
TBA [7]
TV specials[]
Clawdeen and Clawd realize something is wrong when Draculaura and Howleen go missing and go look for them using their superior olfactory abilities. This leads them to the catacombs, where they get Operetta to be their guide. The captives have freed themselves meanwhile and are making their way outside when they are attacked by scargoyles. With combined strength, they manage to hold the creatures off just until Clawd, Clawdeen, and Operetta find them. [8]
Volume 3[]
The girls prepare for a class trip to Monte Scarlo. As Frankie voices her enthusiasm, she suddenly sneezes. Mr. Rotter hears this and warns her that she may not attend the class trip if she gets sick. Frankie tries to assure him and her friends she is fine, but her next sneeze causes three other students to get shocked by her electricity. Cleo warns the others to stay away from Frankie lest they get sick too and become unable to go on the class trip. Clawdeen apologizes to Frankie for shutting her out, but then she sneezes too, causing her fur to stand up. Next is Operetta, whose sneeze breaks Ghoulia's glasses and the windows and causes several students to be blown out of the building. Finally, Cleo and Draculaura both sneeze at the time, causing them to be covered in heart-shaped pimples and pyramid-shaped pimples, respectively.
As the girls try to think of something to be cured before the bus leaves, Gory mockingly tells of how much fun she'll be having at Monte Scarlo. Abbey warns the girls the bus will leave soon, but they tell her to leave them or else she might get sick too. Abbey informs them the people of her village rarely get sick. Meanwhile, Ghoulia figures out the cure they need is a "monster thistle," which Frankie knows grows in the catacombs. The girls ask Abbey to get it for them, to which she complies.
On the ground floor, Gory keeps teasing the girls and claims Abbey won't be back in time. However, Abbey does return in time and blows the monster thistle's pollen over her friends, who get well instantly. However, since Abbey is allergic to the pollen, the action causes her to sneeze and freeze Gory to the floor. The girls run off to catch the bus, leaving a distraught Gory to seemingly miss out on the trip. [9]
Operetta joins Cleo, Frankie, and Draculaura at a table in the creepateria in a decidedly giddy mood. Upon inquiry, she shares that she won a contest to meet her favorite opera singer, Crescenda von Hammerstone. Cleo, slightly intrigued, asks how Operetta plans to present herself to the famous opera singer. A little confused, Operetta suggests she'll just be herself, but Cleo assures her that will only make her embarrass herself. She offers Operetta to come over to her house after school and receive private lessons in the art of etiquette, which Operetta takes her upon.
Operetta learns her first lesson when a plate of biscuits and gravy is set before her. When asked the proper way to eat them, Operetta goes at it. However, Cleo explains that it was a trick question; true ladies never eat biscuits and gravy. The next lesson involves Operetta maintaining perfect balance by carrying a vase over her head, which results in many shattered vases. Though it takes all night, Operetta works hard and has gained perfect manners by morning.
The girls enjoy Crescenda von Hammerstone's performance, then make their way to her room. When the door opens, Operetta shows off her newfound sense of decorum, but both she and Cleo are pulled into the room before she can finish. The two find out that last night's lessons are not meant for socializing with the opera singer, who shows a preference for southern terms and informalities just like Operetta. Cleo is stunned, but Operetta is only too happy. [10]
She makes a cameo appearance at the party. [11]
All the guys and ghouls of Monster high are frightfully ready for a night of celebration; everybody seems to have a plan for the new year. Everyone except Frankie.
Frankie is sitting on her own, worrying about her non-existent plans, when suddenly her bolts go slightly array with only four seconds left till midnight, and she freezes everybody in time. Getting up, she sees Heath entering the room, apparently exiting the bathroom, and asks Frankie, "What is going on?" Frankie immediately tells Heath not to touch anything, and Heath falls into two pots, ending up with one on his head and the other on his right hand.
Frankie then walks over to her friends, marveling that they are so excited for the upcoming year. She wishes that she was too and sparks on Clawdeen, who bursts into life and claims how excited she is about launching her own clothing line and quickly falls back into submission. Frankie then zaps Cleo, who announces 'her word of 2013', then finally Frankie moves onto Ghoulia, who moans, and Frankie translates "Of course you're gonna cure Skulliosis" and giggles. She then angrily glares at Heath and asks what he is doing. Heath declares that he is building a fort out of zombies, creates an imaginary finger gun, and pretends to shoot some 'frozen' friends.
Frankie then walks around describing what other monsters will be doing including Operetta, Venus and Robecca. However, Frankie still feels upset that she has no plans and Heath cheers her up by saying that the idea of 2013 means that there are so many surprises waiting for her. Frankie suddenly feels much better and wonders how Heath suddenly became so smart and Heath tells her that is was a secret. Finally, Frankie is ready for the new year and reverses the freezing by feeling so happy. The students count down from three and all shout Happy boo year! Heath salutes and promptly falls over as Spectra catches a picture of him falling. [Source]
Mr. Where is holding auditions for the lead role in an upcoming dance performance. Five girls are striving for the part, but that doesn't stop them from supporting one another. Operetta's and Howleen's attitudes are the most competitive and become swiftly aimed at Rochelle Goyle, who, due to her weight, is not secure about her dancing skills.
The first round of the auditions has all five girls dancing on stage at the same time. A combination of her downed confidence, her own clumsiness, and Howleen and Operetta impulsively deviating from the prescribed choreography to draw attention has Rochelle performing awfully. Robecca helps her up and off stage while Lagoona is asked to stay as the first candidate for the second solo round. The others prepare for their own calls, but not Rochelle, who is crying. Invisi Billy, one of Mr. Where's assistants, tries to cheer her up. Rochelle laments she is too heavy and clumsy to have any chance at the role of lead dancer, but Invisi Billy disagrees and comes up with a plan.
When Rochelle is called up, Operetta and Howleen speculate on how bad she'll perform this time. What they don't know is that Invisi Billy has invisibly gone on stage with Rochelle. Rochelle starts dancing, aided by Invisi Billy for extra balance and strength. Mr. Where is impressed, remarking that Rochelle defies gravity, and giver her lead role. Rochelle thanks Invisi Billy for all his help, who leaves quietly to enjoy the disbelieving look on Howleen's and Operetta's faces. [Source]
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There is a new boy at Monster High; his name is Archer, he is a centaur, and he also is incredibly handsome. Most of the girls stare after him as he walks by, but Operetta is the only one to go as far as actually approach him. He passes by without noticing her, which Toralei uses as an opportunity to mock Operetta. After claiming that she can catch his interest, she drops her books next to him and plays the damsel in distress. Instead of helping her, Archer walks off and accidentally knocks Toralei over. Toralei insists her chances aren't over, prompting Operetta to mock her in return. The two challenge each other to gain his interest by lunchtime.
After classes, Toralei fakes an injury to her leg to coax Archer into helping her, but she is once more ignored, much to Operetta's mirth. No progress is made until lunchtime, at which point Operetta and Toralei meet each other in the creepateria. Operetta claims she will get Archer to have lunch with her. Toralei tells her to keep away from him, which Operetta answers by throwing her desert in her opponent's face. Toralei, in return, grabs a hamburger and a food fight ensues. Only once both girls are completely covered in several pieces of food do they decide to go to Archer and let him decide.
Archer at first responds, oblivious to the confrontation, but his countenance quickly changes into one of delight. He jumps past the girls to the window, where he has spotted the girl of his dreams: Nightmare. She responds equally positively to him. From their spot in the creepateria, Toralei and Operetta decide Archer wasn't their type after all and leave. [Source]
Johnny Spirit, the troublemaker with the worst reputation at Monster High, has sat through three thousand years of detention and is allowed out today. His impending release is the cause of much commotion among the students. Operetta is an exception of sorts: she is not convinced that Johnny lives up to the name, but the fact he used to hang out in the catacombs before Operetta enrolled and made them her own has her worried.
The trouble starts the moment Johnny Spirit leaves detention, though he is only partially to blame. Most students run away screaming at the sight of him, which he does not promote nor mind in the slightest. During lunch, Toralei, Purrsephone, Meowlody do try to socialize with him because they view him as a peer, but Johnny curtly tells them to take a hike.
Later that day, Johnny returns to the catacombs when Operetta coincidentally is elsewhere and starts redecorating the place to suit his tastes once more. When Operetta hears music coming from below, she rushes downstairs to chase Johnny out. The two find each other to be equally dead set on having the place, so Johnny proposes they musically compete for it. Operetta confidently steps to her organ while Johnny takes out his violin. Unexpectedly, the two are equally skilled, and they enjoy the competition as a jam session. Johnny calls a draw on the match, which Operetta raises to a best two out of three. Amused, Johnny suggests they make if a best five out of nine.[Source]
Special webisodes[]
TBA [Source]
TV specials[]
TBA [Source]
In "Escape from Skull Shores", Operetta, Spectra, Clawd, and Deuce all received invites to the Great Scarrier Reef, but aren't able to come along because they or their families have other plans already.
In "Friday Night Frights", Apparently, part of the ghouls' training is to skate throughout the school and despite they're getting better, Frankie and Draculaura are still lacking in the art of it, still quite clumsy with it. This is noticed by many students, but Operetta mainly for some reason, who watches their every move and eventually daringly rescues them from crashing and getting injured. Upon this, Frankie offers the music diva if she wants to join the SKRM team, although Operetta refuses, claiming that she's not the type to join any kind of organized team sports, and she leaves the ghouls, not bothering to say anymore.
Operetta appreciates the rebellious attitude and joins the team, taking Cleo’s spot. She helps teach the ghouls the rules, but her attitude makes her a poor coach. Luckily, Clawd returns as the team’s new coach. After a strict training regimen, the ghouls are ready for their sophomore debut against Vampire Academy. The ghouls play well but are best at the last minute by the rough tactics of the vampires. Serendipitous, Operetta was knocked into a pile of tires that contained glowing artifacts. Ghoulia explains that is the last piece she needed to rebuild Robecca Steam! Robecca is glad to hear that over 100 years, SKRM has progressed enough to allow female players. The ghouls regretfully explain that is not the case, and they are the only all-ghoul team and are faced with prejudice. Robecca offers her assistance as a player, but she is still missing her balance modulator. Her one piece of advice is that “If you want to need to be true to yourselves...If you want to beat the boys, you need to play like girls.” Thus inspiring their new fashionable outfits. The gargoyles begin to mock the new outfits, but the masked player on the team reveals that she is, in fact, a ghoul. Rochelle Goyle announces that she transferred from Granite City to Monster High. She takes Frankie’s spot on the team. The ghouls enter a round-robin tournament and eventually make their way up the leader board until they qualify for the final match between Granite City. Instilling the school with pride, the ghouls are now wildly popular and even gained the respect of Manny and Heath, who even volunteer to be the team’s new cheerleaders. During practice, Clawd fears that his intense training won’t be enough to defeat Granite City. Robecca tells Clawd every team has a weakness; he just has to look for it. Clawd notices that Toralei is spying on the team’s practice, so he hints that they need to play up the discord. The next day Toralei tries to conspire with Operetta against the team.
The movie ends with a roll call of the new co-ed team: Clawd, Operetta, Manny Taur, Gil Webber, Lagoona Blue, Heath Burns, Rochelle Goyle, and Robecca Steam.
In "Ghouls Rule", The trio go see Operetta to ask if she, the resident catacombs expert, knows anything about this place, which Operetta doesn't but is willing to help look for. With the aid of the map, the four actually find the place and learn the true story of Halloween from the mechanical tour guide. Originally, Halloween was a way for humans and monsters to celebrate their friendship.
The humans accept the confession and invitation, but then the Sheriff and his officers finally arrive, intending to arrest Holt, Frankie, and all monsters present. However, the New Salem students make a stand against the Sheriff and challenge him to arrest them as well if they want to get to the Monster High students. The Sheriff, wanting to avoid the fallout if he arrests the New Salem students, saves face by claiming it's past midnight, and that means he is off duty anyway before sneaking off to the snacks. With all conflict thus ended and subdued, the party commences.
In "Scaris: City of Frights", Clawdeen Wolf plans a 'Flashion Mob', a surprise fashion show starring herself and her friends at school. Meanwhile, Rochelle Goyle chases after a rose petal given to her by Garrott du Roque, her boyfriend from Scaris, which was knocked from her hand by students attracted by the attention from Clawdeen's show. However, thanks to a 'mix-up' from Toralei, Heath is put in a dress and heels and ends up clumsily tripping and abruptly ending the show.
In "13 Wishes", As Howleen Wolf gains more popularity Operetta invites her to her party.
Later as Whisp and Howleen take over monster high Operetta is one of the students to scold Howleen and the shadow copies, but she is simply taken away. She makes a cameo near the end of the movie at the party.
In "Frights, Camera, Action!", As the female students at monster high argue about who's cuter Alucard or Edweird, Operetta lets out a glass breaking scream to stop the arguing for a bit. But later in the movie the Vampire Majesty movies have caused a conflict among the female students at Monster High about which of the male love interests is hotter: Alucard or Edweird, with Toralei and Howleen leading the opposing sides of the argument. Frankie, Abbey, Lagoona, and even Clawd, Gil, and Deuce stay out of it, but become worried as the argument escalates as more students side with Toralei or Howleen. The situation is getting vicious, so Operetta organizes a Cute Court for the students to decide on who is the bigger hunk. Twyla, who is explicitly not interested in either, is chosen as judge, Manny gets to be the bailiff, and Ghoulia is the court clerk. After a long debate, Twyla asks Ghoulia for a scientific advice. It is then that Ghoulia makes a huge discovery: Alucard and Edweird are played by the very same actor! Twyla dismisses the case and the students end the fight. However, Ghoulia is not done yet comparing people, now that she has solved one thing this way. Taking the photo of Elissabat that Draculaura sent her and a poster depicting Veronica Von Vamp, Ghoulia realizes that the two girls are the same person.
Operetta is last seen at the end hushing everyone to be quiet in the theatre as the movie is going to start.
In "Welcome to Hauntlywood", The entirety of Monster High has been invited to the premiere of Veronica Von Vamp's latest movie. Spectra reports on the event, delighted by all that is going on but eager for an actual scoop. She spots her fellow student Operetta talking with Honey Swamp, who did camera work for the movie. Spectra decides to eavesdrop in hopes of getting information about the movie's content.
To her horror, Operetta and Honey describe a movie that sounds everything but entertaining. They talk about how “she”, whom Spectra assumes to be Veronica, just sleeps and watches the grass grow. Having heard enough, Spectra rushes to them and calls for the premiere party to be ended if there’s only such a boring movie to celebrate.
Amused, Operetta and Honey explain they weren’t talking about the movie but about their grandmothers, whom they’ve discovered are best friends. Spectra is relieved she assumed wrongly for the sake of the premiere party but is sad that this means she has no scoop. Operetta offers her another scoop to make up for it: her grandmother’s secret ghoulash recipe.
Volume 4[]
Operetta is one of the many fans of Clawdia Wolf's stories. [Source]
Draculaura, Frankie, Clawdeen, and Cleo have been invited by Operetta and Honey to a party in the swamps of New Goreleans. As they travel by rowboat, Honey excitedly predicts that the footage she'll shoot that night will guarantee her best documentary yet. Operetta off-handedly comments that while the party will be a good one, it has to pale compared to the Moonlight Ghost Gorebilee. Honey concurs and explains to their guests that the gorebilee is a mythical centennial celebration supposed to take place in the bayous.
Draculaura, who is in charge of the map, interrupts the conversation to inform the group that they have arrived at 111 East Gator Ghoulevard. It is awfully quiet, though, and a suspicious Clawdeen finds out that Draculaura has been reading the map upside down. There were supposed to get to 777 East Gator Ghoulevard, which is on the other side of the swamp. Upset, Draculaura knocks over the boat's lantern full of fireflies, which form an arrow pointed towards the dilapidated mansion uphill. Having no way to make it to the party in time anyway, the group decides to check it out.
Inside the mansion, all they find is a large dust-covered ballroom and an old gramophone. Draculaura apologizes to Honey for ruining her documentary, but Honey assures her that they can still hold their own party right here. Draculaura grabs onto the idea and pulls down a sheet covering the hall's central window to get some light inside. Moonlight streams into the room, which triggers the gramophone to play an elegant melody. Suddenly, dozens of ghosts appear in the ballroom, dancing to the music under the light of the moon. Honey realizes that they've stumbled onto the Moonlight Ghost Gorebilee and promptly starts filming for what will be an even better documentary than she had originally set out to make while the rest of the group joins the party.[Source]
Operetta is directing the school's spring musical, Screaming in the Drain, and a long line of ghouls wait outside the Clawditorium for their chance to audition for the show, including Ghoulia. Lagoona joins her to wish her luck, but Ghoulia admits she's having second thoughts about trying. Lagoona reminds her that she tries out for the musical every year, but Toralei laughs that Ghoulia never gets a role due to her singing voice being so shrill that it shatters glass and scares away animals. Lagoona tells Ghoulia that you never know what'll happen unless you try and encourages her to do her best.
Suddenly the door opens, and Operetta lets Catty Noir out, telling her that she nailed the part. Upon seeing this, every ghoul in the queue decides to give up and walk away. Even Lagoona throws up her arms in defeat, claiming there's no way anyone could beat out a famous pop star like Catty. Ghoulia is left alone and is about to walk away when Operetta spots her and asks if she still wants to audition.
Sometime later, the musical opens, and to everyone's surprise, Ghoulia is in the lead role. Lagoona explains that Catty was actually auditioning for the secondary role for a change, and since Ghoulia was the only other person who tried out, she got the lead part. Ghoulia and Catty sing together on stage, and despite Ghoulia's voice shattering the spotlights and windows, they receive a standing ovation.[Source]
It doesn't take long before the entire school knows that the new girl is actually a Hauntlywood celebrity and Elissabat soon has to run from her over-enthusiastic fans. Draculaura understands Clawd did not keep quiet as he had said he'd do and volunteers him to be dressed up in Elissabat's disguise and distract the crowd of fans. With Viperine's makeup artist skill, the plan is a downright success. [Source]
Special webisodes[]
Operetta welcomes Catrine DeMew and another student to Monster High. [Source]
TV specials[]
TBA [Source]
Volume 5[]
TBA [Source] [Source] [Source]
TV specials[]
Operetta hangs out with Johnny Spirit and Scarah Screams as Spectra asks them if they know any gossip. Thou Operetta's info isn't that helpful to Spectra.
She is later seen as detention chains wrap around her and start dragging her away. Johnny and Scarah try to save her only to be taken as well. They are brought to Haunted High, but are later free of the chains are they escape with the rest of the ghosts back to monster high. [Haunted]
In "Boo York, Boo York", Meanwhile Ramses de Nile sees the crystal comet arriving and he and Nefera prepare to head to Boo York. He also informs Cleo and allows her to take a friend or two with her. However, she invites Deuce (as well as giving him a King Tut-like chin piece and gold glasses), Frankie, Clawdeen, Draculaura, Operetta and Catty.
The crew head to Boo York, where they shop for new clothes and wear them out. The ghouls are about to take the subway to catch up with Cleo when they meet a rapper named Pharaoh, who takes an immediate liking to Catty. The duo then makes an escape from the crowd of Catty's fans. Deuce approaches Cleo and painstakingly breaks up with her.
The ghouls, including Catty, later dress up for the crystal comet. Nefera convinces Cleo that Deuce isn't worth being with.
At the rooftop, Nefera steals their voices (they can still speak but can't sing properly) using the crystal comet shard. Toralei then sneaks off with it and takes Catty's singing voice to perform at Bloodway. The ghouls then confront her musical style. Luna not only returns Catty her voice but earns herself fame at Bloodway. Mouscedes then summons taxis for them to return to the promise ceremony. Deuce, who believes he still belongs to Cleo despite their differences, joins them.
At the post-credits scene, Astranova, who now attends Monster High, starts a music battle with her guitar against Operetta and her banjo during Rotter's class.
In "Great Scarrier Reef", She makes a cameo at Lagoona's party, but doesn't do much that is note worthy.
Webisode gallery[]
TV special gallery[]
- In the Volume 5 webisodes, Operetta has hair more accurate to her finalized 'Campus Stroll' look, with the victory rolls, her bracelet on her right wrist instead of her left wrist, and the hairstyle not having the white streaks.