Monster High Wiki
Merchandise Banner

To say there is a lot of Monster High merchandise would be an understatement. As such, the information on the merchandise is spread out over multiple pages. Below is a portal to pages on all Monster High merchandise, ordered by product type and availability.

MDOLLS Thumbnail MFigurine Thumbnail
Monster High is based around a series of articulated plastic dolls, which are 10.5 inches tall on average and have a unique head mold each.

Read about the Dolls

Along with a number of dolls come figurines—the pets to the characters. They each have a unique mold and most are about an inch tall.

Read about the figurines

Create-a-Monster Thumbnail Playset Thumbnail
Create-A-Monster is a special line of dolls that promotes creativity. The line's dolls are sold as parts that can be mixed however one pleases.

Read about Create-A-Monster

In addition to the dolls, playsets are produced for the dolls to interact with. Some are packaged with a doll, others are not.

Read about the Playsets

San Diego Comic-Con International exclusives Store exclusives
SDCCI - Wydowna stockphoto Doll stockphotography - I Heart Fashion Abbey
Every year of the franchise's existence, a doll is released that is exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con International.

Read about the SDCCI exclusives.
Since 2011, three stores have been provided with exclusive dolls to sell. Four more such stores began receiving exclusive dolls in 2012.

Read about the store exclusives.

Miscellaneous products[]

Vinyl figures Fright-Mares
Vinyl figure stockphotography - Between Classes Rochelle Fright-Mares stockphotography - Bay
Monster High launched with a vinyl line of known characters. One time, one of them was a San Diego Comic Con International exclusive.

Read about the Monster High Vinyl figures
Monster High launched with a line of looks-like-pony merchandise Fright-Mares. They were added to the franchise in 2015.

Read about Fright-Mares merchandise.
Plushies Miscellaneous merchandise
Friends - Spectra and Rhuen MerchMiscsquare
Monster High launched with a plushie line, the Friends series, but it was not very successful. Plushies were re-added to the franchise in 2013.

Read about the Monster High articulated dolls
Other than the dolls and plushies, much more Monster High toy products are produced, including bicycles, keychains, light-up toys, and magic 8-balls.

Read about miscellaneous merchandise.
Chitech Bikes Sakar Electronics
Bike Headphones
Chitech produces bikes and scooters for Monster High.

Read about the Chitech merchandise.
Sakar produces electronic gadgets for Monster High.

Read about the Sakar Electronics merchandise.
San Diego Comic-Con International merchandise
Logo - SDCCI
Every year of the franchise's existence, merchandise is released that is exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con International.

Read about the SDCCI merchandise.

Clothes, accessories, and makeup[]

Justice exclusives Hot Topic exclusives
Logo - Justice Logo - Hot Topic
Mattel and Justice partnered at the launch of Monster High to release themed apparel and accessories for tweens.

Read about the Justice exclusives
In June 2013, Hot Topic began to offer MH-themed clothes and accessories.

Read about the Hot Topic exclusives
Toys"R"Us exclusives Party City Halloween Costumes
MerchToysRUssquare MerchCostumessquare
Toys"R"Us sells exclusive themed accessories and bags.

Read about the Toys"R"Us exclusives.

For Halloween 2010, Party City offered three Monster High costumes for girls.

Read about the Party City costumes.

Claire's exclusives
Logo - Claire's
In December 2010 Claire's Accessories began to offer MH-themed jewelery and cosmetics.

Read about the Claire's exclusives


Magazine DVDs
Magazine - USA cover 01 FNF and WDGFIL
The monthly magazine was introduced to European markets in 2011, with the USA edition following in 2012. Its content covers a broad range of topics.

Read about the magazine.
The first Monster High DVD was released in 2011 and packaged with four dolls. It wasn't until 2012 that DVDs became stand-alone products.

Read about the DVDs.
Books Comic books
GhoulNextDoor-bookcover LBC - Hopes and Screams announcement
There are two book series in existence: one which ran from 2010 to 2012 and one which debuted in 2012 and is currently active.

Read about the books
The first Monster High comic book will be released in December of 2013. It will contain seven comics, each a unique story.

Read about the comic books.
Apps Video games
FrankieSeamStress Monster high wii boxart-212x300
The first app came out on July 10, 2011. The pacing of new app releases is about one per year. As well, an Apptivity-aligned app debuted in 2012.

Read about the apps.
The first console-style video game was released on October 25, 2011 and since then a new video game has been released each year.

Read about the video games.