Monster High Wiki
Monster High Wiki
Oh, Zaps!

This article refers an idea or a list of content that has been scrapped out for various reasons. They can be presented in the decompiled files, concept designs, or other non-interactive media.

Over the years, not every idea brought up to expand Monster High made it to a product. There's about one to two years between concept and execution and much can happen in-between. Monster High itself, for instance, came close to being scrapped in 2009.[1] An incident of significance that ties into the cancellation of approximately half the items on this page is the reboot in 2016, a result of the decreasing sales since 2013. Cancelled content, much like preliminary names, come to light through trademarks, toy listings, fiction, preparational content, and sometimes by creators talking about it.


Euna art

Unique dolls[]

Decomposition Class - Quill says hi

Theme dolls[]

Profile art - Sweet 1600 cake group


Doll stockphotography - Haunted Gory Gazette Spectra
  • Gory Gazette w/ Spectra Vondergeist — As shown in leaked survey pictures in 2014, the Haunted line was to contain a playset of the Gory Gazette in accordance with its appearance in "Haunted". It was to have product number CDG14. The Spectra supposed to be included was eventually released on its own under product number DGB30.
  • Salty Spectre — On April 28, 2014, the name "Salty Spectre" was trademarked. It is the ship of Vandala Doubloons in "Haunted" and likely was meant as another playset for Haunted. The trademark was abandoned on June 29, 2015.
  • Garden Ghouls - Teeny Critters — Evidenced by an early stockphoto and store listings, such as Amazon's, a series of high-detail charms to hang in Treesa Thornwillow's branches was planned to be part of the Garden Ghouls lineup for release some time in 2017.

Fashion packs[]

Unearthed Day - fashion group



Plot points[]

  • FynnOperetta's best friend from back home to whom she dedicates her diaries has been mentioned several times, but little about their character has ever been revealed.
  • Spectra VondergeistSpectra's first diary points at a painful family history Spectra would rather forget. It's never been elaborated what that family history is.
  • Smokey — Deuce's dragon pet, who got petrified by his gaze years before, never was written as having snapped out of it.
  • C.A. Cupid — Cupid's origin story was cut short by her transfer to Ever After High. What is known is that she was left on Eros's doorsteps as a baby for unknown reasons. Even her monster type, hinted to be bone elemental, is unconfirmed.
  • Jane Boolittle — Jane's origin story is left open. All that is known is that she was found alone in the jungle with her staff and her companion, Needles, and that both are linked to her roots somehow.
  • Gooliope Jellington — Gooliope's origin story is unfinished. She's marketed as the daughter of "unknown", with said unknown's initials being R.S. and it being hinted that unknown is a mad scientist. Like Cupid, she was left to be found by others, in her case a circus.
  • Monster High — Although the history of Monster High has been elaborated on many times, the exact origin hinted at during Freaky Fab 13 has not.

